Leaf Models

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AUTHOR: M. Henke
DESCRIPTION: Leaf shape is described by a sequence of measured coordinates leaf.



DATE: 21.11.2012
M. Henke
DESCRIPTION: Leaf shape is described by a sequence of triangles representing the single facets of a leaf.
HOW IT WORKS: Measured leaf coordinates needs to be triangulated before they can be used as input for a MashNode.


DATE: 20.04.2009
AUTHOR: M. Henke
DESCRIPTION: This leaf model works with a height field (a simple grey style image) as input to scale the z-axis to get a 3D shape.


DOWNLOAD: leafFacets.gsz

DATE: 20.04.2009
AUTHOR: M. Henke
DESCRIPTION: The model produced a 3D leaf structure based on a single image as texture.
HOW IT WORKS: The texture will be subdivided in an initial step into a specified number of parts. Each of these parts will be applied on a single parallelogram to model the shape. The leaf module offers four parameters: len – total length of the leaf, numberOfSequences, finalBendingAngle, foldingAngle; If the folding angle equals to zero, the parts will not be divided in the middle. The leaf is the a sequence of parallelograms.

THINGS TO NOTICE: The initial step of dividing the texture needs some time.


DOWNLOAD: RobiniaLeaf.gsz

DATE: 20.04.2009
AUTHOR: M. Henke
DESCRIPTION: Leaf module that produces a sequence of leaflets.


DATE: 02.11.2009
AUTHOR: M. Henke
DESCRIPTION: This model uses two images, one for a juvenile and one for an adult state, to simulate senescence in leaves with a simple alpha blending.


DOWNLOAD: single_leaf.gsz.

DATE: 15.06.2007


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